

You may return most items sold by within 30 days of delivery. Some items are non-returnable. Non-returnable items are marked as such on their website product page. Please make sure that an item is not marked as non-returnable before you try to return it.  If returning an item you must: 

  1. Email or call customer service at 919-569-6765 for a return authorization number 

  1. Include your return authorization number on your label 

  1. Agree to an 18% restocking fee 

  1. Send the product(s) freight prepaid 

We cannot accept returns that: 

  1. Are not in the original condition, are damaged or are missing parts 

  1. Are returned more than 30 days after delivery 

  1. Are sent freight collect 

  1. Are custom-made to specific specifications/drawings 

  1. Are listed as non-returnable in the product description